Eating on a budget can be no fun, no mad dashes around Asda buying whatever the eff you want. It has taken a few years of training but I now go to the supermarket armed with a list and only deviate of it for offers (9p loaf of bread! £1 pack of quorn mince!). Sounds dull? Nope. Once a week I drag out the recipe books and have a look through the iPad for new recipes using things we mostly have already. My favourite app is The Photo Cookbook which was free a while ago, so many quick ideas. The stir frys are also really good, making the most out of a few ingredients!
Charlene from Dainty Dresses has recently started posting some wonderfully simple recipes on her blog and instagram, I tend to find recipe inspiration all over rather than the same old thing every week. Rachel Phipps' blog makes me so hungry, combined with gorgeous photos. These vegetable fritters are next on my list to make. Over on Where Are My Knees Sarah's wonderful Weight Watchers recipes all look amazing, the butternut squash lasagne is something else.
I find the best method is to stand in front of my cupboards and fridge and write down everything we have left and then start from there. Lots of tins of chopped tomatoes? Spag bol! Coconut milk? Curry! I only plan for 6 meals a week, leaving one to either just make something from stuff we have or maybe a treat. We usually have a curry on payday for example, we could save the money and have a few extra bits each week. But to be honest to me living cheaply means we can afford the occasional treat! I write everything on a whiteboard in the kitchen however A Thrifty Mrs has a post with some wonderful meal planning print outs, she is my meal planning inspiration. We have cut our weekly shop down to half and have stopped throwing anything away.
Give it a go, go to the supermarket with a strict list and only buy what you need.
Zoey xox