02 May 2011

Photo Dump 02

My life has become work work work right now. The Wedding was nice and all but the creation of another bank holiday meant those of us who work in retail and nightclubs just had to work more!

  • I have been trying to eat better but the fact I literally can't cook, the boyfriend does it all. In fact I was banned from using the toaster at home when my parents went away after a fire incident. The other problem is never having time to eat / cook. Current favourite lunch is Marks and Spencer Indian Rice Salad thing, I cannot for the life of me remember its name but it was yummy!
  • Went to Oldham for the night to spend some time at my boyfriends home. He has a gorgeous cat, Molly, who despite being 17 was still beautiful and soft. Made me miss my animals at home alot.
  • The tuesday night out as previously discussed was very messy, spent the next day curled up in bed after a pub lunch until I dared drive down to Oldham. I love ordering the most inappropriate shot at a bar, Screaming Orgasm being my favourite because of the whipped cream! So messy and fun.
  • Another week, another Blackberry theme. This is 'Cerise' from BerryGoodThemes which I found free on the app world. The first wallpaper was found on weheartit.com which although never gives proper credit to an images source, usually from tumblr, it is a good source for phone wallpapers! The second has been saved on my phone forever. Love leopard print! Actually obsessed, more on that another day
  • My poor nails have taken a battering this week. I messily painted them 'Bubblegum' from Models Own, but even with Seche Vite over they lasted about an hour before chipping at work. Woe.
Hopefully May will be a better month than April, some good things are coming up. Just need to finish the pesky dissertation and do all my exams.

Zoey xox


  1. Hey!
    I just found your blog and I wanted to tell you how much I love it. I like your no frills approach to everything, its good to know not everyones perfect.(I mean that as a complement REALLY) I can't cook to save my life haha. I really wanna try those M&S salads, though. They look soooo good!


  2. Oohh I love that bubbglegum colour ! xx
