Yes Instagram and the like are over but I have a brand new phone (Samsung Galaxy, it is amazing and my new baby.) so having fun playing with new apps!
1. Boyfriends CDs have taken over the flat, living in the kitchen until we can afford a CD Rack! 2. Spending the evening alone equals creating wonderful Halloween nails. 3. Our view is the whole of Manchester, with an industrial estate / Manchester Fort Retail Park inbetween. 4. New phone equals new case and I got this hipster number from ebay
- So I officially now live in Manchester! Moved into our flat a week ago and love it. I have 5 weeks of training at work which is okay but so much to learn. I will soon be an expert on insurance! A world away from being a retail supervisor / bar supervisor I tell you! Making raspberry lynchburgs was much easier! The flat is perfect for the two of us. We have two bedrooms but the spare bedroom has no bed and has actually turned into my walk in wardrobe. Clothes and shoes every where. When I get paid I will tackle that room but not for now!
- We will have internet in a week, so hopefully some blogging will occur then! I am almost at 150 followers which is huge in my world! Ha.
Zoey xox