12 September 2012

The Power of Make Up

So hiiii! The wonderful Lucy posted a photo of herself without make-up on her lovely blog. Nothing new eh? Don't soap stars do it in Heat all the time? Except those photos have been altered, concealer applied and some eye brow grooming has occured.

I decided to copy and do the same thing, it links in nicely with a blog from Lily of LLYMLRS fame about why she wears make-up and why we shouldn't feel ashamed to wear loads or none at all!

Moisturiser (kind of) - La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo
Primer - Benefit Porefessional
Foundation - Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation in 51
Blusher - Revlon Photo Ready Cream Blush in Pinched
Eyeshadow - Cheap one in some random palette!

So before and after, no photo shop editing.. all taken in natural light in front of my window! And I even pulled a silly face for you. This is my normal going to uni face, no lip products, no bright blushers. I cannot leave the house without foundation, even if nipping to the corner shop. Years of suffering with acne has caused huge acne scarring on my face as well as a very uneven skin tone. Over the last few weeks my skin has cleared up so am feeling a bit better, but I have just started a Nursing Degree so I'm sure the stress levels will bring them all back.

Eyebrows are something I never bothered with, but now they complete my face. They may be a bit dark in the above photo but I was a bit heavy handed with the brush this morning!

Now I shall leave you with one final photo that is far too close to my face, however I have messed around with it in Photoshop very quickly. My skin doesn't look as flat and much more even, so be warned even what you see on a blog may have been altered beyond recognition. Far too many blogger babes have NO PORES! We're on to you.

So go on, post your face on your blog without make-up and don't be tempted to adjust the contrast so your skin looks ~flawless~ 

Zoey xox