I decided to copy and do the same thing, it links in nicely with a blog from Lily of LLYMLRS fame about why she wears make-up and why we shouldn't feel ashamed to wear loads or none at all!

Foundation - Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation in 51
Concealer - Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Light
Blusher - Revlon Photo Ready Cream Blush in Pinched
Eyeshadow - Cheap one in some random palette!
So before and after, no photo shop editing.. all taken in natural light in front of my window! And I even pulled a silly face for you. This is my normal going to uni face, no lip products, no bright blushers. I cannot leave the house without foundation, even if nipping to the corner shop. Years of suffering with acne has caused huge acne scarring on my face as well as a very uneven skin tone. Over the last few weeks my skin has cleared up so am feeling a bit better, but I have just started a Nursing Degree so I'm sure the stress levels will bring them all back.
Eyebrows are something I never bothered with, but now they complete my face. They may be a bit dark in the above photo but I was a bit heavy handed with the brush this morning!
Now I shall leave you with one final photo that is far too close to my face, however I have messed around with it in Photoshop very quickly. My skin doesn't look as flat and much more even, so be warned even what you see on a blog may have been altered beyond recognition. Far too many blogger babes have NO PORES! We're on to you.

So go on, post your face on your blog without make-up and don't be tempted to adjust the contrast so your skin looks ~flawless~
Zoey xox